Friday, February 17, 2017

Identity Management

Nope, not talking strictly software technology here.  I’m talking real personal identity.  I’m talking about who we think we are, who other people think we are, and how we are generally wrong.

For those in the IT or software realm, you understand the importance of identity management.  IdM authenticates and authorizes.  IdM outlines boundaries.

IdM, in very plain terms, labels us and our role in the technological universe.  When those labels and roles don't meet our needs, our lives become an eternity of headaches, frustration and tears (and this only counts the time spent on hold waiting for customer service).

Isn't this similar to our lives?  Or, maybe it's just mine.

If I were to ask how you identify yourself, what would you say?  Would you use words based on your political views or your job?  Would you use words like happy, kind, pretty or funny?  Would you include your familial state (mother, father, sister, son)?

What happens if you lose your job?  What happens if you are faced with a differing political viewpoint that makes logical sense?  What happens when you realize you might not be the Christian you think you are?  What happens when someone prettier/smarter/funnier walks into the party (other than accidentally spilling red wine on her)?  What happens when he leaves you for another woman?  What happens when your core identity doesn't match your reality?

>Identity Crisis in 3...
>null exception
>reboot in 3 seconds...

I came to the realization over the past year that I've built my reality based on who I thought I should be (or who others thought I should be).  Who knows, maybe I actually was who I thought I was at one time.  I grew over time, and didn't realize the difference.  I had forgotten to manage my identity during that process. I never updated my perceived role over time to match my changing role in reality.  I've spent the past few years (well, decades, possibly) on hold listening to gawd-awful metaphorical muzak wondering why things aren't working.  /head slam on desk

When faced with the realization I wasn't who I thought I was, I felt lost.  I had no idea how to be anything else.  How do you figure out how to be something that you never thought you were? How the hell did I end up a Talking Heads song?? 

I'm still in the process of readjusting and realigning my 'role' and identity.  I realize it takes time, and things will continue to change - I will continue to change.  I just have to pay better attention, be more open minded, and view challenge as an opportunity to test and validate who I am.  I have to actively manage my identity moving forward.

If you will excuse me, I think I need to go rm -rf some emotional baggage, and git reset.

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