Friday, June 23, 2017


I work in an industry with a bunch of engineers and programmers.  As a result, I’m already a small demographic.  Even amongst my demographic, I seem to be an even smaller subset.  It's like I'm a unicorn, but the weird goat-like European type.

Sitting in a work event next to another female, I found myself struggling to make small talk and ended up acting like I was reading email on my laptop.  Then another woman walks up, and bam, they are chatting up a storm about kids, pregnancies, schools, pets, and menstrual cycles (no, not really.. I made that last part up...).

I had been, before being interrupted by the loudness of their conversation, contemplating whether to go ahead and buy a Nintendo Switch or simply wait until Christmas.  I really want to play Breath of the Wild.  Maybe I should wait and get the new XBox with 4K video instead.  OR... should I stop with the Xbox fandom and move to a Playstation?  I already pre-purchased Destiny 2 for access to the Beta, so I’ll need to keep the Xbox around a while longer.  Maybe I should just go with the original plan and get the Switch to replace my broken Wii.  I skipped the WiiU, so should be justifiable….

Sorry, I’m getting off topic, but you get the gist of it.  I don’t seem to be wired like most people I meet.

Now, nothing is wrong with discussing baby-care and cats.  Each are perfectly natural things - I just have nothing to add to the conversation.  I did almost buy some pet grass today at the grocery store, but wasn’t sure I was ready for the commitment.

I’ve always realized I'm a bit different, I just didn’t consciously realize the extent until these past two weeks.

A few days ago, I reviewed the result of an old personality test I took:  “women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population…”

Wow.  Ok.. so .8%.  And to top it off it furthers goes on to state: “…explains why many fictional villains (and misunderstood heroes) are modeled on this personality type.”  /facepalm. This explains sooo much.

Fast forward a few days, and I review my Gallup Strengths Finder results with my manager as a part of my yearly performance review.  His response? “You know, I’ve done this with lots of groups, this is the first I’ve seen of one like this.”  Yeeeeaah.

Again, most times this isn’t a big issue.  I’m cool with the solitary life, but it’s hard when you have to interact with humanity, when things just don’t come that naturally to you, or you lack sufficient common ground.  You either come off like a complete bitch, or creepy.  Sometimes both, but only on very rare and special occasions - like first dates.

Heck, even my astrology is weird - I’m a double Aquarian who is cold, rigid and ruled by (of all things...) Uranus.  I didn’t make this stuff up.  Someone else did.  *rimshot*   Thank you! I’m here all night.

Weirdly enough, I'm ok with being a little weird.  Weird is what makes life interesting.  It's what spawns grand adventures and epic sagas.  Life's all about being an awesome #@%@#^ prancin' unicorn.

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