#1 - Why would ANYONE feel it is appropriate to drench a mask in fake blood and stand there as if you are holding a severed head? Who in their right mind thinks this is a way to get through to someone? How to make a political statement? Guess who else does this as a political statement - ISIS (only they use real heads of real people who've they've slaughtered). Such a total lack of decorum, respect and good taste. And for what? Publicity? Art?
Art Schmart. This whole thing shows total lack of respect. Trump will go home to NY in four years. We have more appropriate ways of dealing with this division. We're adults, let's start acting like it.
#2 - Why on earth do Twitter posts with images of bad words get caught by the “inappropriate” filter, when this picture of a women with a faux severed head popped up several times? Why is this acceptable while the word “ass” isn’t? Get real, people. Yes, bad words and boobies aren’t always appropriate, but neither is this level of imagery. And to be honest? I find depiction of violence much more inappropriate than nudity and foul language.
Why? Violence is about hurting people. It's about inflicting pain. No one should be desensitized to the suffering of others. The more we see it on TV, movies, and social media, the more our emotional response gets dampened. The more it's used, even in art, the less power it has.
#3 - Making a threat on an acting president (or ex-president) is a FELONY. That’s spelled F-E-L-O-U-Gonna-B-N-Jail. How is this not a threat? How is she not being charged? If this had been done by a Muslim-American, an African-American, or an Immigrant on a VISA - I’d bet dollars to biscuits they’d be in a small locked room with some very large Secret Service agents have a nice little chat. Why isn’t the same happening here?
Why? Because she’s white? She’s female? She’s a ginger? She's rich? Tell me that people aren’t treated differently, and I’ll put you on my “not to be taken seriously" list.
#4 - People think Caucasian women are harmless. I got news for you folks, white women are just as crazy. We made Yoga pants and lattes happen. SWF and Fatal Attraction was about us. We have Kate Gosselin. We have Mary Kay Letourneau, Casey Anthony, and Madonna. Ever heard the Dixie Chicks’ song Good Bye Earl (or any country music song written by a woman, sans Faith Hill)? Hell, three of us Caucasians married Trump. I think I rest my case.
Want to experience what I’m talking about first hand? Head back to my neck of the woods and interrupt a woman from her Marlboro break while you tell her that her man has been cheating. Sit back and watch her be "harmless."
Stop treating us as like we’re background decoration. We aren’t. We're human just like the rest of you and have just the same amount of potential. We are fully capable human beings - some of us make good choices, some of us not so good.
Don't be fooled by the toy dog in our purse.
*Edited for poor grammar*
*Edited for poor grammar*
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