Sorry, Jesus, but the real savior we needed in 2016 was marijuana.
*await smiting for 1 minute*
*nothing happens*
*opens one eye*
*opens other eye*
Ok, maybe I’m safe. Or, maybe Jesus agrees that America needs help to chill out. Let’s face it, too much wine only leads to cat fights, and that’s pretty much what we’ve had for the past year.
About a week ago, Bloomberg posted a article about “Deaths of Despair”. Apparently, the majority of opioid overdoses are surging amongst the white working class. All other demographics aren’t going in this direction.
Taking a step further, opioids are a gateway to harder drugs, like heroin. The growth in opioid use is leading to a rise in heroin.
So, opioids lead to heroin, heroin and opioids both lead to overdoses in working class white people. And what did these people do? They voted for Trump, according to a Penn State election study: “Trump over-performed the most in counties with the highest drug, alcohol and suicide mortality rates.”
So what does this have to do with Mary-Jane? Another study found lowered opioid use in states that have legalized marijuana.
So, legal weed leads to less opioid use which leads to less Heroin which leads to less voting for megalomaniacs who likes to make jokes about sexually assault women. (Yeah, I know… correlation doesn’t imply causality, but work with me here.)
We should have legalized weed a long time ago. We’d be much more chill, much less dependent upon opioids and possibly have a better president. Maybe we should work towards legalizing it to keep this from happening 2020+?
I must admit, the immature part of me just wants to see the Weed 2020 political slogans...
"There’s Hope in Hash"
"Let them eat Space Cake"
"Welcome to the Bong Show"
"High Times"
"Sorry, too busy blazin' to start wars"
"We are going to light up this joint!"
What would be your slogan?
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